Transport For London Posters
I worked with the wonderful guys at VCCP on Transport For London’s ‘TravelKind’ campaign. I produced 9 posters that have gone up ALL OVER the London transport system to promote travelling kindly across the city. Below are a selection of the illustrations and some animations, as well as some shots of them in situ on the Underground network.
This project was a real dream come true. When I first moved to London straight after I graduated I fell down the stairs at Aldgate East station. It was an embarrassing moment. As I lay there on my back I looked to my right and saw a beautfiully designed poster for TfL. I thought to myself, “I’d love to draw one of those posters one day”. And now I’ve done it.
Also, I get a lot of emails asking if these are available to buy as prints, and I unfortunately can’t sell them, so go and hassle TfL to turn them into prints. That would be fun!

© 2023 Toby Triumph